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Agent-paid 2-hour consultation leads to accepted offer in first listing week.  You could have a home staging success story just like this too!

Think you can’t sell in this market?  Think your home has to look like a Pottery Barn catalog before listing?  Think again.

A Mt. Kisco, NY, family is desperate to sell quickly due to relocation.  To limit commuting from New York to Florida, clients use just what they have to quickly stage their home to sell.

Unsure if staging would work for them, these home sellers are now staging believers, after the agent-paid 2-hour consultation leads to an accepted offer in the first listing week.

Click here to see the full set of before-and-after pictures.

It can happen to you too, when you stage, price it right, and have the support and marketing skills of a great agent.

Author’s Note:  It was difficult choosing a favorite home staging success story for 2011, but this particular project proves that even in a bad economy and with no time or budget for updates, a home can still sell quickly when everyone involved gives it their all.

Dining Room Before Home Staging

 Before Staging

Dining Room After Home Staging

After Staging
No time or budget to remove dated light fixtures or window treatments so instead the focus is put on cleaning, decluttering, furniture placement and accessorizing to define and showcase the large, bright open spaces.

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