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Home Staging in the Park

by Home Staging Success Stories

Home Staging in West Somers Park leads to a quick sale.

Maryanne reaches out to me on a snowy Sunday in January. Her 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,192-square-foot ranch home in a highly desirable area of Granite Springs, NY, is not selling. It has been on the market for two months with no offers. Even a $10k price reduction doesn’t spark greater interest.

She is certain, though, that if the home is staged, it will sell. To that end, Maryanne puts incredible efforts into making the home look its best with simple, inexpensive, do-it-yourself fixes. We work together to stage the home using a combination of rental furniture and accessories, along with pieces from her nearby home: a leather chair, two rugs, bedding, and accessories. Maryanne is tireless. She even paints the master bedroom herself.

It all comes together – as Maryanne knew it would – for a quick sale. I remember Maryanne telling me that the home just needs furniture and it will sell. Her intuition is good. We do a little bit more than furnish the home, based on the review during our initial home staging consultation, but the furniture does have the biggest impact.

Neighbor and agent Christine MacDonald of Houlihan Lawrence in Somers, NY, also participates in the transformation by donating an air mattress, another leather chair for the master bedroom, a plant for the family room, and her full support in the efforts.

The home returns to market at the $589k price and sells for full asking in less than a week. Same house as before, same price, but this time with the added ingredients of advice from a professional home stager, some sweat equity, a nominal financial investment, and a strong belief in the power of home staging.

Here’s what Maryanne says about the experience:

“Shortly after listing my house for sale, we moved, leaving it completely empty. After two months on the market and a price reduction, I knew that what it really required was staging. I needed buyers to start seeing the home’s potential and stop seeing all its imperfections.

Susan fitted the entire home with contemporary furniture and made it look warm and inviting.

Susan helped me to see my house from the buyer’s perspective. We implemented all her suggestions, which were quick and inexpensive fixes such as changing light fixtures, paint colors, and bathroom knobs.

The house relisted on a Tuesday, and I received full asking price a week later. Susan was so easy to work with, and we are thrilled with the results!

Maryanne K.

Granite Springs, NY


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