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A lower price is a great way to gain fresh interest in your property, but price isn’t everything. For a competitive advantage, stage your home.

You’ve probably heard the joke – beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone. It’s no joke to house hunters. If potential buyers can’t immediately see a home’s surface beauty, they won’t hang around long enough to learn what’s underneath. Buyers will assume that superficial flaws go down to the foundation.

Master Bedroom Listing Picture Before Home Staging

Original listing picture from first attempt to sell when home owners did not have the benefit of home staging.

Master Bedroom Listing Picture Before Home Staging

Tired of lowering their price these home sellers try home staging the second time around and finally sell their million dollar 5,000-square-foot Katonah, NY, home.

Home Staging dresses your house to impress.

Like meeting someone for the first time, whether it’s a job interview or a blind date, appearances matter. If you’ve grabbed the buyer’s attention visually, you’ve got a chance at grabbing him emotionally.

Home Staging makes buyer’s fall in love with your house.

House hunters buy the home they love, the one that excites them. Staging allows buyers to connect emotionally to your home by picturing themselves living there. You know you’ve set the scene when house hunters start planning where they will put their furniture, instead of commenting on yours.

Home Staging makes your house move-in ready.

Home buyers are looking for an easy transition – not a project. A move-in ready residence will put your home at the top of their list.

Home Staging adds value that can’t always be measured in dollars and cents.

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