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Fireplace with Mirror
As a real estate professional, you know that staged homes sell faster and for more money. But how do you pass that message along to your clients, and more important, have them act on it?

Educate your clients on the importance of showcasing their home. Explain that in a buyer’s market, and with inventories so high, sellers must take that extra step to make their home stand out from the rest.

Reinforce the message. Why? Because home staging is a new concept for most sellers. Whenever the opportunity allows, repeat the message that sellers who do the work for the buyer, will get the quickest sale.

Make home staging your new standard. How? Add articles, links and information to your web site touting not just the benefits of home staging but how to do it. For those seeking professional help, have a home stager referral list. Offer a 2-3 hour home staging consultation with a home stager as part of your marketing plan. Or offer money back at closing to clients who work with a professional home stager.

The goal is to make home staging the rule, not the exception. An investment in home staging – by the client or yourself – will be returned at closing in the form of a quicker sale and a higher price.

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