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AtWell Staged Home’s real estate Tweets are jam-packed with useful tips, fun quotes, great articles and more.

Read this month’s top real estate Tweets:

Selling Your Home…

Free Download: 10 Hardcore Staging Tips for Sellers
No ads, e-mails, flyers, or any other marketing can help a home that doesn’t show well. You know this, but sometimes it can be hard to get sellers to see the light. Get help reinforcing your advice. Download, customize, and share this handout with your seller clients and prospects.

Check out: Painting to Sell: What Color Homes Sell Best?
Call it exterior painting to sell. Horner’s basic rule, one underscored repeatedly by others with firsthand knowledge of what’s selling, is to go mainstream. Try to appeal to the widest possible swath of buyers. This is no time to be idiosyncratic.

A Good Real Estate Agent Speaks Your Language
When you’re buying a new home, you can’t afford to have your needs lost in translation. However, it can be difficult to put into words exactly what you want. After all, when searching for the perfect home, it could be a matter of you’ll “know it when you see it.” A good real estate agent can translate your desires into a dream home…

Home Design…

Bedroom Color: The Secret to More Sex and More Sleep
More sleep and more sex? Yes, please! A new survey involving 2,000 Brits shows a strong correlation between the color of your bedroom walls and decor with how much sleep and sex you’re having. The takeaway: People with blue rooms appear to be getting the best night’s sleep, while people with caramel-colored walls are having the most sex. Let the mad dash to invent caramel-blue paint begin!

Home Apps…

6 Interior Design Apps for Your Home Renovation
If you’re thinking of painting the walls, moving the furniture into a new formation or adding an accent lamp to enhance the mood, you might want to experiment via app before doing the heavy lifting. After all, the designs in your head don’t always look good in real life, and taking a saw to a table that’s an inch too long isn’t for everyone.

For the Real Estate Pro…

How to Reduce the Stresses for Seniors When Selling Their Home
Why do elderly homeowners typically suffer more stress than younger persons when selling their homes? Selling a home is easy, but “letting go” is painful. Here are some key ways to help them deal with it.

Check out: Last-Minute Tips for a Successful Open House
We never get a second chance to make a first impression, and for motivated sellers a first impression of their home can often make or break a deal. Realtors know that a potential sale starts in the moment that a buyer pulls into the driveway. That’s why they take extra care to prep and ready the homes they represent just prior to an open house — and we mean minutes before.

Building Your 30-Second Elevator Speech
We need to be able to convey what we do and what we offer beyond our job title, company name, and the services we sell. Too many salespeople, including real estate agents, describe themselves in terms of their job title and products.

Personal Development…

The Secret to Getting Unstuck: How to Grow Your Confidence
I was at the gym today during my regular ‘pump’ class when the instructor reminded us that we need to increase the weight of the bar regularly if we want our muscles to grow stronger. It got me thinking how that’s the case in our everyday lives as well: we need to get outside our comfort zone regularly if we want to grow our confidence.


“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Schweitzer

“Most will say you’re crazy to try. Find those who say you’d be crazy not to.” – Jenny Blake

Just for fun…

The Roentgens’ Berlin Secretary Cabinet

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