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AtWell Staged Home’s real estate Tweets are jam-packed with useful tips, fun quotes, great articles and more.

Read this month’s top real estate Tweets:

Home Staging…

Avoid These Staging Mistakes and Get Your Home Sold | RealtyTimes
You may love your home, but that doesn’t mean that everyone coming through the door will feel the same way. What may be “charming” to the seller may seem off-putting to a prospective buyer. Many sellers attempt to stage their home themselves and, in doing so, create mistakes that can actually sidetrack the sale of their homes.

Real Estate Trends…

5 Things to Watch In Housing in 2014 | WSJ
For housing, it was a tale of two halves in 2013. During the first half, unusually low supplies of homes and low rates spurred bidding wars, pushing prices up sharply. During the second half, the frenzy cooled amid a sudden spike in interest rates. While more markets are now reporting increases in inventory, the number of homes for sale remains quite low.

10 Really Obvious Reasons You Should Hire A Real Estate Agent | FirstTeam
With Google to answer all of your questions and new real estate listing websites, it can seem like a great money saving idea to skip the real estate agent and tackle the market on your own. While this can be done, it makes the process of buying or selling a house infinitely more stressful, time consuming and difficult. There are many reasons to hire a real estate agent and here are 10 really obvious ones that you should consider before you decide to take on the market alone.

Selling Your Home…

5 Rules for Homebuying in 2014, and Beyond | AOLRealEstate
In 2014, stay focused on what you know, stay local, take your time and don’t let outside forces sway your decision to buy a home. People have bought and sold homes for years, at higher prices and with higher interest rates. If you’re in it for the long haul, consider yourself at mile 3 of a 26-mile marathon.

Home Organizing…

Your Total Home Organizing and Decluttering Guide | Houzz
We’ve compiled some of the best cleaning and organizing guides from Houzz, room by room, to help you start off the year with a clean slate.

Home Design…

Downsizing Help: Choosing What Furniture to Leave Behind  | Houzz
What to take, what to buy, how to make your favorite furniture fit … get some answers from a homeowner who scaled way down.

Feng Shui Your Home | RealtyTimes
Whether you’re listing a home and looking for decor inspirations to stage the home in hopes of selling, or you’re a proud new owner of a home eager to start decorating; Feng shui might be an option worth exploring.

Career Development…

10 Awesome Infographics to Guide your Marketing Plan for 2014 | Buffer
Infographics seem to be getting more and more popular lately. They’re certainly fun to look at, and they convey useful information in a format that’s fast and easy to digest. One thing to keep in mind with infographics is that they’re generally static—unlike blog posts, they’re rarely updated as new information becomes available.

10 Phrases Great Speakers Never Say | Inc.
Want to ruin a presentation in seconds? Just drop in one of these sentences. While it’s really hard to immediately win over a crowd, it’s really easy for a speaker to lose the room within the first few minutes of a presentation.

When Winning Feels Like Losing | LinkedIn
After the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics, researchers from Cornell University studied the facial expressions of all the athletes who won gold, silver, and bronze medals. They analyzed footage of ceremonies and television interviews and found that gold medalists seemed the happiest. What a shock, right? But they also noticed something surprising: The bronze medalists seemed much happier than the silver medalists.

Mentally Strong People: the 13 Things They Avoid | Forbes
For all the time executives spend concerned about physical strength and health, when it comes down to it, mental strength can mean even more. Particularly for entrepreneurs, numerous articles talk about critical characteristics of mental strength—tenacity, “grit,” optimism, and an unfailing ability as Forbes contributor David Williams says, to “fail up.”

Social Media…

26 Ways to Make Pinterest Work for Your Business | SMExaminer
Are you looking for tips on how to use Pinterest strategically? Is your business benefiting from Pinterest? Pinterest is an effective tool for businesses of all sizes and sectors. From B2B to B2C, there are a number of goals you can pursue—from driving web and foot traffic to increasing visibility with influencers and consumers. In this article, you’ll find 26 tips, an A-Z guide for making Pinterest work for your business.


Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate accomplishments. -Napoleon Hill

Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -Lou Holtz

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