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AtWell Staged Home’s real estate Tweets are jam-packed with useful tips, fun quotes, great articles and more.

Read this month’s top real estate Tweets:

Home Staging…

Staging Diva Grad Debuts on CBS News Show | @StagingDiva
There’s nothing like appearing on a TV news show to boost your credibility as a home stager! It’s happened to me a few times and I’m so proud to see Staging Diva Grad Stacy Goade of Alaska Premier Home Staging make her debut as well.

Selling Your Home…

Want to Sell Your House? Price it Right! | @KCMcrew
The housing market is recovering nicely. Prices have increased nationally by double digits over the last twelve months. Competition from the shadow inventory of lower priced distressed properties (foreclosures and short sales) is diminishing rapidly. Now may be the perfect time to sell your home and move to the dream house or beautiful location your family has always talked about.

A Cost VS Value Opinion | @RealtyTimes
Before you invest in remodeling, it’s wise to think about upgrades that get you back the most back money when you resell.

Home Design…

What Really Makes Us Happy at Home? Find Out From a New Houzz Survey |@houzz
Great design has a powerful impact on our happiness in our homes. So do good cooking smells, family conversations and, yes, big-screen TVs.

12 Key Decorating Tips to Make Any Room Better | @houzz
Get a great result even without an experienced touch by following these basic design guidelines.

Career Development…

18 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently | @HealthyLiving
While there’s no “typical” creative type, there are some tell-tale characteristics and behaviors of highly creative people. Here are 18 things they do differently.

15 Best Apps for Busy Small Business Owners | @SmallBizLady
Every year we resolve to make our lives a little bit better. The dilemma is how to execute past the first quarter excitement. These tools will help you get there.

Personal Development…

Marketing Quick Tip – Create Tweetable Links | @MartinaIring
You’ve probably noticed tweetable links on other blog and websites. Essentially, with just a click, you’re able to share something (whether a comment, quote, statistic, fact or something else awesome and interesting) via Twitter. Creating such tweetable links makes it SUPER easy for anyone reading your content to share that juicy little tidbit. And we all know in our time starved lives, if it’s easy and fast, we’re much more likely to do it.

How to Overcome Fear – Video | @BrendonBurchard
Most fear is just bad management of our mental faculties.

Social Media…

New Twitter design – a tour & to-dos for your small business | @MartinaIring
I have now been granted access to the new Twitter design, so I thought I’d do up a quick post about the changes and most importantly, what you as a small business owner need to know.


Your only limitations are those which you set up in your own mind, or permit others to set up for you. -Napoleon Hill

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