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Truth is few things are more inconvenient than selling your home and having it on the market.

Part 1 of 2 – Click here to view Part 2 of An Inconvenient Truth about Selling Your Home

Imagine a bad reality show, where you – a home seller – are forced to live in Macy’s window for weeks on end. Your personal items, your life, constantly exposed to strangers. And everything has to be perfect all the time.

If your home is currently on the market, you may feel this way already. So what’s the best way to get out from under the microscope? Sell fast.

Well, that sounds easy – and obvious – but how do you sell fast?

A combination of staging, effort, and a willingness to be inconvenienced – at least for the time that your home is on the market.

Remember, your efforts will be rewarded. The more you do now, the faster your home will sell, and the sooner you can return to a normal life.

Just one question remains. Are you willing to do what it takes to sell? The following questions should help you find out.

1. Are you willing to detach yourself emotionally from this home and view it as a product or commodity?

2. Are you willing to let go of your personal style and decorate to appeal to the widest variety of buyers?

3. Are you willing to pack up anything you won’t need for the next few months – even if it includes children’s toys, personal photos and keepsakes?

4. Are you willing to eliminate or hide TVs, computers or other electronic devices?

5. Are you willing to send your pets away when the home is being shown?

6. Are you willing to furnish an unfurnished home so that it is warm, inviting, and spacious?

7. Are you willing to clean like you’ve never cleaned before?

If you answered “yes” to most or all of these questions, then you are ready. The truth is that you will be inconvenienced, but it will be well worth it when you sell fast and for top dollar.

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