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Afraid to stage? You’re not alone. Here are 5 common home staging fears debunked.

I’m afraid it’s too late to stage.

In this tough market, your home needs to be the best to stand out from the rest. Even if your home has been on the market for months, it’s never too late to stage.

I’m afraid staging won’t work.

Staged homes really do sell faster and for more money than unstaged homes. Here are just two recent examples. A home previously on the market 14 months sold 4 days after staging for just 3% below asking price. Another home staged prior to going on the market sold in 5 days with multiple competitive offers. (See Portfolio & Testimonials above for more examples.)

I’m afraid staging is too expensive.

Stagers understand you don’t want to spend a lot of money on a home you are selling. Home stagers are experts at redesign – the art of using what you already have to decorate. (To learn more about your potential return on investment, read Put Stock in Home Staging.)

I’m afraid I won’t have time to fix up my home before the stager arrives.

Would you lose weight before joining a gym? Probably not. Once you decide to sell your home, contact a home stager. Working together, you will establish a staging plan that fits your time frame, budget, and skill set.

I’m afraid I won’t like the changes the stager makes.

This is unlikely if you’ve researched the home stager and viewed examples of their work. Keep in mind she is decorating for mass appeal and not for your – or even her own – personal taste.

The idea of someone – a stranger – coming through your home and critiquing every inch might be a little scary. But have no fear. A home stager is not critiquing your personal style or taste; she is making your home the most desirable to the widest audience possible.

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